Birdie Sleep Co. offers

Sleep Plans

customized to your baby’s needs.

Let’s find the sleep plan that’s right for you and your baby.

One Hour



One hour phone call / Zoom session
Full review of client intake form
Discuss current sleep habits
Discuss sleep goals
Recommend sleep schedule
Follow up email with recommendations

Two Week



Week 1
One Hour Sleep Consultation
Customized Sleep Plan
Daily Text Message Support

Week 2
30 Minute Sleep Consultation
Daily Text Message Support

One Month



Week 1
One Hour Sleep Consultation
Customized Sleep Plan
Daily Text Message Support

Week 2
30 Minute Sleep Consultation
Daily Text Message Support

Week 3
30 Minute Sleep Consultation
Daily Text Message Support

Week 4
30 Minute Sleep Consultation
Daily Text Message Support

Still curious which plan is right for you?